Studies show that people over the age of 25 lose 1% of their bones every year more information . To avoid the processes of their degeneration and live to old age with a healthy bone skeleton, a person needs healthy food for bones, which helps to repair tissue and avoid fractures. What should be included in your daily diet? And what foods will benefit our body?
Bones are solid organs designed to perform the protective and musculoskeletal functions of the body. They have increased density and can withstand a load of 160 kg per square centimeter. Throughout human life, two main processes take place in them – gradual destruction and restoration. Unfortunately, with age, the process of degeneration outstrips regeneration, so bones lose their hardness and become more fragile.
The main enemy of our musculoskeletal system is osteoporosis, in which there is a gradual leaching of the main building material of bones – calcium. The development of the disease can begin against the background of smoking, alcohol abuse, age-related hormonal changes, but the main cause of the pathology is often an insufficient amount of food for bones and joints, which supplies the body with the necessary amount of calcium.
The trace element performs many functions:
- forms bone and cartilage tissue;
- helps to strengthen teeth;
- participates in the processes of muscle contractions;
- blocks the absorption of saturated fats, thereby lowering cholesterol levels;
- provides activity of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, gonads and adrenal glands;
- regulates blood clotting processes.
In order for the body to function and develop fully, it needs foods for bones and joints, which have a high calcium content . However, it must be borne in mind that this microelement itself does little to help a person and is beneficial only in tandem with other substances and compounds.
So, for the complete assimilation of calcium, the body needs vitamin D , and phosphorus is required for additional support of bones and teeth . In combination, all these elements improve the regeneration of bone tissue and help to avoid excessive thinning.
Foods with calcium
The highest amount of calcium is found in milk. To replenish the daily intake of a trace element, you must drink at least 1 liter of the drink per day. However, this option is not suitable for everyone, especially if the person has lactose intolerance. Alternatively, you can use other products, such as hard cheese. It contains 720 mg of calcium per 100 grams, therefore, in order to obtain the daily intake of a trace element, it is necessary to eat 120–150 g of cheese daily.
– cottage cheese;
– beans;
– cabbage;
– egg yolks;
– rye bread;
– shrimps;
– almonds;
– raisins;
– oranges.