Exercises for the muscles of the lower back

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The loin is a vulnerable spot, especially with a sedentary lifestyle. A muscular corset will help maintain both a level posture and good health. You don’t have to go to the gym or yoga instructors; lower back muscle exercises can be done at home as well.

Contraindications for doing exercises for the muscles of the lower back

Rarely, when they feel well, they begin to play sports, unless they keep an eye on their figure. But the back and especially the lower back are not the parts of the body that will remain healthy if you forget about them. A sedentary lifestyle, improper weight lifting, uneven load, an inactive lifestyle – all this will eventually lead to pain and crunching in the lower back and curvature of posture.

Do not think that with a sore lower back it will no longer be possible to strengthen the muscles. Bodyweight gymnastics will be useful to almost everyone. However, you should first consult with your doctor if you have:

  • fresh spinal injuries;
  • unhealed stitches after surgery;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and excretory systems;
  • pregnancy.

Before problems arise, it is much easier to start doing lower back exercises. It is always easier to prevent diseases than to cure them.

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What sports can help?

Swimming develops your back and lower back best. It helps to strengthen the entire upper body without putting extra weight on it. Therefore, swimming is advised not only for prophylaxis (healthy or in remission people), but also as a therapy in the treatment of acute conditions of the spine.

More exotic ways to strengthen your back are yoga and pole dancing. Yoga is a static load on individual muscles that strengthens the back and straightens posture. Pilon is a hard sport that is shown only to healthy people. It is traumatic and can cause complications of existing diseases. But, due to the high load on the upper body, it develops the back, lower back and abs in a very short time.

If you are healthy and just want to strengthen your lower back muscles, the gym is a great help. With equipment and a lot of weight, you can do many exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the lower back. However, you need to be careful: the extra weight can be harmful.