The Romanian Deadlift is indispensable if you want to develop a good buttocks , but is also a very good exercise for your hamstrings. Read the differences between the Conventional Deadlift and the Romanian Deadlift in this article. If you don’t know what a Deadlift is yet, you better read this article .
Typical for this exercise is that you start standing up and then lower your weight. With the Conventional Deadlift it is the other way around, there you start at the bottom and end up standing.
You place your hands and feet the same as with the Conventional Deadlift. Your hands just a little wider than your shoulders and your feet about hip-width apart. But every body is different, do what feels natural for your body.

Lower yourself by mainly pushing your hips back. This mainly trains the glutes and hamstrings. Bend your knees about 20% but keep your lower legs straight. Keep your arms straight and your back straight. For most people, lowering to about knee height will be sufficient, then the range of motion from the hamstrings is up (which it is primary for). In a Conventional Deadlift you bend your knees for about 75%. In addition, you put the barbell back on the ground, while you let the barbell float above the ground with the Romanian Deadlift.
Tighten your abs , take another deep breath and lift it up! Come up with a smooth but explosive movement. For some extra tense on your buttocks, you can tighten them up when you are upstairs.

You can also perform this deadlift well with a squat rack. You can then place the barbell on the rack for a while during the exercise. To start, set the bar a little higher (and we don’t mean the proverbial bar) and then see if you can go a little lower again and again, while still doing the exercise perfectly. This makes you less likely to get an injury in your back.